Information about Old Age Homes of Svalbard


Old Age Homes in Svalbard : List of care homes

Directory of Old Age Homes in Svalbard for Senior & Retired Citizens

old ages care homes in Svalbard Old Age is a directory of  Svalbard Old Age Homes  for Senior & Retired Citizens of Svalbard. It provides the information about various Old Age Homes in Svalbard and worldwide in an simplified way - country /state /city wise.

Our mission of Old Age Homes portal is simple- To provide a common online platform for the Senior & Elderly Citizens in Svalbard and around the world. We have passion for helping community for better Living.

If you are looking for Svalbard Old Age Home OR  Senior Citizen old age homes in Svalbard  than this website can help you by providing the relevant information.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is Old Age ?

    Old Age is simply a website focused in providing old age homes  information for Senior & Retired Citizens in Svalbard and around the word. You may also call it a online directory or community web portal about old age homes in Svalbard.

  2. Why Old Age Homes are required  ?

    For the elderly & senior people this is very important issue because you need utmost medical care & look after when you grow old whether you are in Svalbard or anywhere in the world. There are many reasons for looking for old age homes / retirement care homes in Svalbard such as migration or location of children due to their work / lack of time in youngsters / neglect / family problems etc.

  3. What  exactly is offered by web portal for Svalbard ?

    We just provide the information about various Old Age Home, Old Age Hostel, Senior Citizen Hostel, Senior Citizen Home
    Retirement Homes , Retirement Resorts, Care Home in your any location in Svalbard and thats all.You can directly contact listed people /organization for further communication with your equirements..

  4. What is idea & inspiration behind Old Age web portal ?

    OBizTek Group is behind the birth of Old Age web portal .Actually our founder Ajay Jain who lost his father in old age due to paralysis and than he realized the need to do something for the elderly and Senior people to serve the community as a social responsibility and that how the birth of  web portal took place. There is noble purpose behind this - just to help Elderly people in every possible way by compiling the various resources in Svalbard and anywhere in the world for a better living.

    Our effort is to make concept of the old age home is practically acceptable in a positive way. Now days working professionals today are away from their home and work in remote places. The senior citizen and elders of such families often do not wish to live permanently with their children in strange and distant places. They prefer to be live their own homes in native or familiar place except for visiting their kids sometimes either way.

    This website may be useful to you if you are looking for old age homes in Svalbard in your location or Svalbard old age homes information and resources.You will find directory or  list of various

  5. Tell us little bit more about ?

    Elderly people have the right to basic age care facilities like health care, social security, safety & security and other basic amenities. We believe that serving the community in any capacity is the one of best way to attain peace and prosperity in life.

    Old Age Directory has been set up to provide a guide to care old age homes, nursing homes & residential homes (care homes with nursing) and care agencies in Svalbard & throughout world. The Directory allows you to search by County to find the care homes, nursing homes or residential homes that are applicable to your area of interest.

  6. Any practical example when one will need old age homes ?

    Say you are working in a multination company or your business / work requires you to work a different geographical location other than you home town. If you are unable OR are helpless to give company to your parents round the clock and worry their health, security and feeling of loneliness etc than what is the easy solution around ? Now old age homes comes into picture who cater to old people and take care of your worry by giving an alternate homes to them when you are not with them. In a balanced way old age homes services can be used.

  7. How to Join Old Age Homes ? Is there any charges / fees for it ?

    There is no need to join us if you want to use the information for your personal use. There is no registration form or charges/ fees etc.Just fine the information and use it for better living.

    You need to contact or join us only if you are having some old age homes / hotel / resorts or offer relevant services for the elderly / senior citizen. Depending upon your nature of work / business interest - like advertisement etc there may be some nominal charges to maintain the operations of Old Age community portal.

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Relevant Searches : Old Age Homes in Svalbard , Svalbard Old Age Homes , List of Old Age Homes in Svalbard , Directory of Old Age Homes and Accommodation Svalbard , Svalbard Old Age Home Information and Resources Online

Online directory of retirement homes, retirement communities, assisted living, senior housing, nursing homes and skilled nursing communities.

Senior old age people care
Copyright  © 2013 Old Age

Directory of Old Age Homes of Svalbard. Find information about various old ages homes in Svalbard.

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